To Know God and to Make God Known

 Celtic cross


A Time to Change Together Update

Dear friends

We are delighted to share with you our latest update newsletter for A Time to Change Together. 

Click here to read the newsletter.

In this February newsletter, you’ll read of recent progress and plans. You’ll find links to new diocesan maps showing the Local Mission Partnerships and church types. You can download the new diocesan Lent Course and watch Bishop Stephen’s two charges from the recent Vision Days.

Please do forward this email onto your churches and Local Mission Partnerships. If you wish to print this newsletter, please click here for a printable version.

Thank you for all you continue to do.  

In Him 



The Venerable Aly Buxton, Archdeacon of Stow and Lindsey


‘though we are many, we are one body, because we all share in one bread’