To Know God and to Make God Known

 Celtic cross

In the Parish of Quarrington we take safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. 


We have appointed a Safeguarding Coordinator, Rita Owen, who is a member of our PCC and active member of the parish. 

Should you have any concerns or issues you would like to raise within the Parish of Quarrington, or require advice on safeguarding matters Rita is happy to be contacted confidentially by email or mobile.


 07891 491792


Rita Owen


safeguarding safe space

We have also published Safeguarding guidelines, which are available to everyone, either by clicking on the link below for a PDF copy, or alternatively obtaining a paper copy from Rev. Mark or Carole. 


Quarrington Parish Safeguarding Policy 2019


Lincoln Diocese and Church of England have also published Policies and Guidelines relating to Safeguarding. The links to these pages are below. 


Lincoln Diocese Safeguarding Policies


And if you wish to contact Lincoln Diocese Safeguarding team please click the link below for their contact details  


Lincoln Diocese Safeguarding contacts 


The Church of England has also published Policies and Guidelines relating to Safeguarding. The link to these pages are below.



Church of England Safeguarding Policies and Guidelines




Some of the above Policies and Guidelines are also available from Rev Mark in paper copy form.