To Know God and to Make God Known

 Celtic cross

Exploring Faith

Wherever you are on you faith journey St. Botolph's, Quarrington and the churches within the Lafford Deanery want to walk with you along the way. From exploration, to confirmation, to developing your spirituality, the Chirstian community in Quarrington and Greylees wants to support you in prayer, worship and learning.


We have an  Bible study group which is meeting on the 1st Tuesday of the month.

If you would like to take part, please email  .




Confirmation is the point in the Christian journey at which a person makes for themselves the promises made for them at baptism.  The person is confirmed by the bishop by the laying on of hands, and they renew their intention to live a life of responsible and committed discipleship.

Confirmation is open to anyone  who is old enough to answer responsibly for themselves.  Preparation sessions are given.  For information about confirmation or to join the next set of  preparation sessions please feel free to contact us. 


 Lay Ministry Course

 Lincoln Diocese offers parishes and deaneries a flexible programme to help them develop in ministry and mission. This scheme is for those people who through a formational learning process want to develop the practical skills needed for parish ministry. This training will be locally owned, delivered, authorised, flexible and tailored to the needs of local communities and their strategy for mission. It will also be built on the individual's experience and previous learning,and  be inclusive and ecumenical, if needed.



