To Know God and to Make God Known

 Celtic cross

Giving to the Church

Offerings to God

“Now I will write about the collection of money for God’s people. Do the same thing that I told the Galatian churches to do: On the first day of every week, each one of you should put aside as much money as you can from what you are blessed with.” 1 Corinthians 16:1-2

 In a time of reflection, we are asked to consider the giving of our time, talents and money to God. Although we are meeting to worship on zoom, our on-line services don’t allow us to just drop some money in the collection.  You will know that our income has been badly affected by covid-19, so if you do have a few pounds to spare, please consider donating to the church either by cheque or by BACS to

BANK:                       HSBC

ACC  NAME:             St. Botolph’s Church, Quarrington. 

SORT CODE:            40-42-07.    


ACC NUMBER:        21515403


QR Code

We now have a church QR code for giving. Please feel free to use and donate

QR code


Parish Giving Scheme

The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is an organisation which receives regular giving on our behalf and then passes it on to us, including the Gift Aid on behalf of taxpayers if appropriate. The majority of our regular givers use this method. 

The PGS has just informed us that it has now set up a new telephone service to accept monthly payments from people, e.g. envelope users, who are currently unable to use their envelopes by handing them in during services. 

Anyone interested in finding out more, and perhaps in following it up, should call the PGS on 0333 002 1271. If you decide to make use of the service, you will need to have the following information at hand: 

  • Your personal bank details 
  • Our parish name: “Quarrington” 
  • Be able to tell them whether or not you pay tax 
  • Tell them our parish code: 210 621 235

Please do not hesitate to contact Mel Walker by e-mail at   to get information or advice about any aspect of our giving.



Easy Fundraising

Please consider signing up to the EasyFundraising scheme and earning money for St Botolph's while you shop. (...)



Anyone interested in starting to give via green envelopes instead of through the collection plate please talk to Mel or the Churchwardens.
  Information packs are also available for people who might consider giving by direct debit instead of by envelope or standing order.
There is now a card reader available after the service if you would like to make your collection donation ‘cashless'. Please see Mel Walker if you are interested