To Know God and to Make God Known

 Celtic cross


Weddings at St. Botolph's Church



St. Botolph's Church wants to make your wedding personal and memorable for you. Churches are special, holy places and there are some things about a church wedding that you just can’t get anywhere else.

St. Botolph's Church, Quarrington, is an extremely popular choice as an intimate setting for couples to 'tie the knot'. Set in attractive surroundings, St. Botolph's Church can normally accommodate weddings of up to approximately 110 people.

The number of attendees is currently restricted due to coronavirus regulations.


Why Choose a Church Ceremony?

A church wedding will add a spiritual dimension to your marriage. The ceremony includes God and looks to him for help and guidance. God’s blessing is the main attraction for many couples, whatever their beliefs.You can make amazing vows, or promises, in a church. You can only make vows this big in a church. These vows, made in public, will help you to stay together and grow together. God and your church are there for you to help you keep your vows.

St. Botolph's Church is pleased to offer music played on it's Binns organ. Bells can also be provided before and after the ceremony on request.

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How much will it cost?

Current prices for 2024


Statutory Fees Total: £567

Inclusive of:    Wedding Fee:               £531

                        Banns:                            £36

                        Verger:         £40 

We are happy for you to use the flowers that are already in church for your wedding.  Alternatively you may use the services of a professional florist. Heating is charged according to the season, between £22.00 and £42.00 (no charge June – August)

Optional Extras:  Organist                  £80                        

                            Bells             £40      


The church does not receive any financial support form external sources to meet its running costs e.g. materials for services, insurances, organ, utilities, clock etc. In addition the costs of maintaining the building and ensuring the churchyard is in good order have to be met. Much of the cost of the clergy also has to be raised by those who use to church. 


This is all done by volunteers who generously give both their time and money, and also through the generosity of those who use the church for services e.g. for weddings.


We therefore ask all wedding couples to help support the church by making a donation. The suggested requested donation (£75) is voluntary and the actual sum given is the choice of those concerned. 


To book a wedding please go to Booking a wedding

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More about weddings in the Church of England



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