To Know God and to Make God Known

 Celtic cross


Our public worship services take place on

Sundays at 11am in church

The church building is open daily 10am - 4pm 

Notices 13th October 2024 

For more information please click Community Help Sleaford   

Message from Revd Rebecca
Last week the Bishop announced my new post in Billingborough Group and South Lafford.I would be delighted if you would like to come to my licensing service at 7pm on Wednesday November 13th at Billingborough St Andrew’s, with the Bishop of Grantham and Archdeacon of Lincoln officiating.Thank you all for your support and encouragement and prayers throughout my curacy and over the last year since Mark left.The church family at Quarrington is very special and I will miss you all, though I am delighted to be staying so near by. 

Care Homes
We are looking for volunteers to assist our ALMs in taking communion into care homes.  This happens approximately monthly.
 If you are interested please speak to Sue Tuck.  

Drop In
If you wish to book a wedding or baptism, please come along to meet Rev Rebecca.
These will take place 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month. 5-6pm in the church room.

 Parish Communications

We are currently without a phone number

Please email

Coffee and Chat
 Our next meeting date is 17th October
 Everyone most welcome and our meeting times are 10.30 -12.00

 Keeping Warm
As the weather is becoming colder, we are looking to offer blankets in church for those who may feel the cold. Therefore, we are looking for donations of good condition blankets, which can be placed in a basket for anyone to borrow if necessary. Please contact Lisa Smith if you would like to donate,  

 Pastoral Care
During the pandemic we introduced a pastoral care system to help care for each other during a very uncertain time. As we now approach another uncertain time, when we no longer have a full time Rector, we feel that we need to be sure that once again we take care of each other.
We would like everyone to think about their needs and the needs of others in the congregation, and the wider community. Our aim is to provide support through prayer, practical help, friendship, and a central family contact register. We need volunteers for each group. If you're interested, please contact Carol Shepheard .Thank you!

This year’s churchyard clear-up date is: -
Saturday November 9th.

We would be delighted to see you if you are able to help.
The session runs from 10.00am to noon 
Please see 
Churchyard Clear-up Dates for more details 

Cornerstone will now meet fortnightly. 
The next meeting will this Tuesday 19th October at 1.30pm.
Cornerstone will meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month and will hold a social on the 5th Tuesday in a five week month.

Ladies’ Group
The next meeting will be on Wednesday 13th November at 2pm in the church room. Please speak to Rev Heather for more details.  

Men’s Group
This meets for a meal at the Horseshoes on the first Thursday of each month.  Please speak to Charles Coulson for more details.  

Warm Space
The Salvation Army are running the Warm Space again. Taking place on Friday’s 11.00am – 1.00pm.  All very welcome. Bring your friends along too!!   

 Prayer Corner
Please have a look at the prayer requests board and pray for people. There are also prayer cards available for you to use or give away to others, please take one if you'd like too. The books on the shelf in the prayer corner can be borrowed or taken if there is one you would like to read. 

St Botolph’s is officially in an interregnum or vacancy. Rev Philip Johnston, the Rural Dean for this area and the priest for St Denys’ Church in Sleaford will take over the official role of care for St Botolph’s Parish for the time being. Luckily, Rev Rebecca will continue to serve her curacy at St Botolph’s so will be with us until at least June 2024. During this time Rev Philip and Rev Lorna Brabin-Smith Partnership Dean will meet with the Churchwardens and the PCC.

 Electoral Roll
This is the register of people who attend St Botolph’s Church regularly and call St Botolph’s their main church.  It is important for our records that this accurately reflects the people who attend.  If you’re not sure if you’re on this roll or if you have joined the church in the last twelve months and would like to be included please speak to one of the Churchwardens or one of the Welcome Team who will be able to give you a form to fill in. 

Do you have any fundraising ideas? We are planning a quiz night, a concert and a tabletop sale. What else could we do? Are you able to get involved or organise an event? 

  Screens in church
If you’d be interested in learning how to use the screens or the sound desk so that you can help to support services, please let Rev Rebecca know who will be organising some training next month. 

 Morning Prayer invite
'You are warmly invited to join our Morning Prayer. We meet online and the service runs for approximately 20 mins. We follow the Church of England short service of Morning Prayer, and there is also a time of informal intercession where all are invited to contribute.
We currently meet at 9.00am on Mondays and Thursdays, and please contact Angela for more details.  

After the 11am service, there will be an opportunity to ask for private prayers in the prayer space at the front of the north aisle. During coffee time, just make your way there and there will be someone who can sit and pray with you.

 Welcome and Coffee
Could you help with this important part of Sunday mornings? We need help welcome people to church and others to help make coffee after the service. Coffee is a social time when we can chat after the formal service so it is important to keep this going. If you can help, please speak to Jaki Lowder or email Jaki on 

 Time to Change Together 
There is a map on the noticeboard at the back of the church showing the area of our Local Mission Partnership. Each week we will email with the newsletter a photograph of one of the villages in our partnership, please pray for the Christian community in that place. Please pray for all those who minister and worship within this partnership, that we would work generously and collaboratively to serve all the communities represented. 

Church Giving
Do you make your giving using the green envelopes or by Standing
Order. Did you know if you use the Parish Giving Scheme, it is
easier to claim the tax back on your giving. This provides a
significant amount which contributes to our annual income. It
doesn't cost you any more. If you're interested, please ask one of
the Welcome Group for a leaflet about it.