To Know God and to Make God Known

 Celtic cross

Our Church Buildings

The structure of St Botolphs Quarrington dates back to the very early 13th century. The nave pillars and arcade date from about 1325 and are early English in style. Around 1300 the west tower was added in perpendicular style as well as the rest of the nave and the chancel, the priest's door of which may have been the present south entrance. The font dates from the latter part of the 14th century in perpendicular style. The present east end of the church was constructed in 1862 - a quinquangular (five-pointed) shaped apse. Four pinnacles were added to the tower in 1887. The clock was added in 1929 with eight bells that were installed with the two older ones. Our stained glass windows span 1876 to 1995.

 St Botolphs quarrington